Hungarian Autonomous Orthodox Jewish Community elected its new president

Róbert Deutsch urged peace between the communities and highlighted the importance of cooperation.

Róbert Deutsch became the next president of the Hungarian Autonomous Orthodox Jewish Community, following Eduárd Deblinger, who held the position for eight years.

Besides Deutsch, Miklós Kalmanivics and Eduárd Deblinger ran for the position, with Deutsch receiving 18, Deblinger 7 and Kalmanovics 5 votes; the number of votes for Deutsch shows the wish for change in the direction of the leadership.

Zev Páskesz continues to be the secretary of the community.

„We need to put an end to the fight between our communities and work together for the betterment of Hungarian Jewry,” – Deutsch said in his speech after the election, adding that people have had „enough of the fights.”

The most important points of Deutsch’s program are: the expansion of the Dob Street butcher shop, the better utilization of the Dob Street community building and the Wesselényi Street school building, strengthening religious activities of the synagogue by hiring a permanent rabbi and establishing a Kollel (hiring young families whose sole obligation is Torah-study). Deutsch would provide a permanent venue for the Lativ Kollel in the Dessewffy Street synagogue (Lativ Kollel currently currently operates without a headquarters), and complete the renovation of the old age home on Alma Street.

Róbert Deutsch was previously member of the board of directors of the Hungarian Autonomous Orthodox Jewish Community, and is owner-managing director of New York Dental Ltd.

MAOIH owns the Kazinczy Street Great Synagogue, Teleki Square, Dessewffy Street and Visegrádi Street synagogues, a butcher and grocery store, and the cemeteries on Gránátos and Csörsz streets.

Hungary Jewish community rocked by sex scandals, pedophilia claims – Neokohn

Underground news site says one of liberal Neolog community’s rabbis led women to believe they had to have sex with him in order to complete conversion to Judaism, while another rabbi allegedly attempted to seduce girl under age of 18.