Leader of opposition asked Israeli ambassador to investigate Pegasus scandal 

Democratic Coalition’s Prime Minister-designate Klára Dobrev announced in a Facebook post that she had met with Israeli Ambassador Yacov Hadas-Handelsman. 

The opposition politician wrote on her Facebook page:

“So much has already been revealed that in order to install Pegasus spyware, the manufacturer NSO needs to obtain an export license.

That is why, at our meeting today, I asked Ambassador Hadas-Handelsman for the State of Israel to investigate the Pegasus scandal and review its licensing practice.” 

According to Dobrev, this is necessary

“so that spyware does not fall into the hands of dictators and other autocratic leaders. And if Israel has issued any such permit, withdraw it immediately. Yes, also from the Hungarian government!” 

As is well known, Hungary was also accused of buying spyware produced by the Israeli cyber company NSO Group.
