Orbán: Hungary can be an icebreaker between Russia and the West

Hungary can be an icebreaker between Russia and the West, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán told Kossuth Radio’s “Good Morning, Hungary!” program last Friday. 

The prime minister said that Hungary is a member of NATO and the EU, but at the same time it strives for good relations with Russia; he noted that this Hungarian model is completely different from that of most EU countries.

This works well during „icy periods,” he said, in a conflict situation like the current one, which is why he described his trip as a peace mission.

He pointed out that following his meeting with Putin, the German chancellor and French president will visit Moscow soon.

Hungary’s energy supply can be maintained with Russian gas, Orbán stressed, adding that the minister for foreign affairs and trade had agreed with Moscow on the supply of 4.5 billion cubic meters of gas per year for 15 years, which Hungary would increase by a further 1 billion cubic meters. This agreement is still in negotiations but is close to being finalized.

He also said that Hungary is well on the way to becoming the first country in Europe to procure no more than 10 percent of the country’s energy needs from fossil sources by 2030.

The prime minister said that Hungary is already a climate champion, a leader in emissions reduction. And in the future, its Paks II nuclear project and solar power plant development, which is already well on track, will help the country achieve energy independence.

Gergely Gulyás: There is no collective guilt, but the state bears responsibility – Neokohn

Not only must we not forget that there were murderers, but „we must also name them,” said the minister in charge of the Prime Minister’s Office on Thursday at the commemoration of International Holocaust Remembrance Day at the Holocaust Documentation Center (HDK) in Budapest.